Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My dog ate my Dresden and the bear claw stopped him.

Okay so I had to make sure I finished two bee blocks so... I worked on Chris's first. she had great instructions, so i didn't have to think. but i did try to get the birds to fly in various directions.

and for Brian...Chrissie had a jump on my initial concept. so i decided to sort of deconstruct the block. I made it way too big and thought okay lets pare it down to size. however, after my first snip, i got happy and decided to chop it up and make it incomplete...so Brian, my dog (which i dont have) ate your Dresden plate.

Hope you enjoy.



  1. Thank you E! It will provide a modern twist to the finished quilt. Thank goodness the bear didn't eat the block!

  2. I love my block E, thanks for taking care of it and not letting your dog eat it too ;)
