Thursday, February 7, 2013

December Bear Paw for Chris and January Dresden Plate for Brian

Chris, you must have received my block a long time ago. I just didn't get around to posting it on the blog. It was my first time making a bear paw block and I enjoyed the clear and concise directions. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed quilt. I like the subdued colors of the fabrics you chose.

Brian, hope you like the Dresden I came up with. It's in the mail. Again, like the bear paw, it was my first time making a Dresden. I'd bought my Easy Dresden plate ruler a long time ago but never got around to using it. I don't know if it's modern enough but I tried to give it a twist by making it scrappy.   You'll note that I fussy cut the center :)


  1. Very nice Binita. I'll be looking for it in the mail. I am getting excited seeing all the blocks come through the mail. I cannot wait to assemble the top!

  2. Thanks Binita, it arrived safely. I'm just waiting for one last block and then it's all up to me to start piecing it together :)
